Sunday, November 18, 2012

What I have been up to for the past couple of months...

A month ago I was laying in bed with a parasite in my stomach, a tired feeling I couldn't shake and no appetite. I went and had a blood test and some other test at the hospital but nothing was found. Then someone said they can only test for a few different parasites and there are many. I couldn't make it to the store to buy water let alone to the Home to see my children. After losing 30 pounds in less then a month and being so dehydrated my head felt like it was going to explode I knew it was time to get some better health care. So I took a plan to the city. I came to San Pedro Sula to a bigger hospital, where they could run more test and the doctors seem to know a little bit more. After many test, a tube going down my throat and a X-ray we found out it was a parasite but I had taken already a few medicine's for them. The doctor wanted me to take one more, of course I get one of the bad side effects and cant feel my feet and my hands were numb for 2 weeks. I am drinking plenty of water now but my headache still was strong and painful. So I got a second opinion, this doctor said all that your stomach has endured you have wiped out all the good bacteria so he gave me another script. This time I felt well for a whole week and a half so I went a woman retreat for missionaries in Honduras and I was having an amazing time until one afternoon the pain was back. So back to bed I dinner and then no breakfast, lunch or dinner again. It just so happens a doctor from the States is at this retreat so I meet her and tell her whats going on and she asks me questions. She calls in a pill and a powder-I take the pill and with in 2 hours I was fine, I was me...loud, dancing and making people happy. I was getting pills for a parasite that had been long gone but had left a infection so I needed something for the infection. My stomach is sensitive and always will be but I am me again and it feels great!! I've been going to many different orphanages in a few different cities around San Pedro. I still cant believe there are so many children with no parents every new home we go to. I don't think I will ever get use to breaks my heart every time we pull up to a new home and new beautiful smile run out to hug me.

I do miss Puerta Lempira everyday-I miss my friends, my children and I miss the feel of I can walk anywhere I need to go. I am looking forward to getting back there in Jan. but don't get me wrong I am defiantly looking forward to coming back to the States. Brushing my teeth with sink water, flushing toilet paper and loving on friends and family that I have missed so much.

I am sorry this has taken so long to get out to y'all, I thank you all for your prayers and I cant wait to see everyone in 2 weeks!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Saying goodbye to Charlie everyday...

I've been here 3 months and I can't believe how fast the time is going by...I look different, act different and think differently but I still feel like me. I look healthier, I act like a person who has a good head on their shoulders and I think like a mother constantly but I am still me. I still am loud and command an audience, I still smile with my whole face which will make you smile too and I still love with all that I am even though it's harder these days because my heart is breaking a little everyday but at the same time I am different.

Charlie and Mia's mom is living in House of Hope and has a baby in her belly, she is trying to clean up her life. She has given up drugs, men and alcohol, she has endured a brick being slammed on her leg until it was broken and then hot wax poured on her until her skin was scared. While at House of Hope she is to take care of her children, clean her room and show some manners to the workers who had taken care of her children. She can do none of these things and it is so sad to see a woman, a mother act like this. I stayed around her as much as I could because I wanted to see the kids and they want to see me but it was a little uncomfortable to have Charlie call mama out to me while with her. I've been putting a day or two between the times I see him but it did no good it just made me miss the other children. So I went to House of Hope and didn't see him on purpose a few days and now Mia finds me and the mother has someone bring Charlie to me. Sometimes I don't know if I am hurting or helping him but I know for a fact I am hurting myself. It hurts me knowing he doesn't go outside everyday, it hurts me knowing she has lost track of his toys and he has none now and it hurts me the most to have to say goodbye to Charlie crying every time and walk home crying too.

How much pain can one's heart take? How many tears can someone really cry on a regular basis? Maybe I am praying wrong, maybe I deserve all this because I haven't made great decision either but maybe God has a lesson for me and I just need some prayer to hold on just a little bit longer...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How do you NOT see God here?

So after I posted my last blog a friend of mine said that lady just didn't want her floor to have mud on it. It sounds like that place is in need of help- I just see and hear the need for do you see God there?

I see God when I see my children playing nice and safe outside on the playground and not in their homes starving, being abused in every way possible and lonely. I give thanks when I hear their laughter and their screaming and running away while I chase them. Because God has rescued them from crying and screaming and no one coming to get them out or a crib.

I feel God when my friends tell me when they were at the lagoon we like to take the young children to swim, a group of guys in a nice boat shot many shots up in the air and not at them. Here it's a real thought you could be shot at because there are drug dealers and real "bad guys". I feel blessed that when I hear gunshots at night they sound far away and not at our fence.

I hear God when I gather every week with a group of woman for bible study and we go around the group saying our blessings and our prayers. I hear God when we talk about our ministries and we pray for each other to be successful in them.

I taste God when I have cool, clean water to drink-you might think that sounds silly but the kids at Mama Tara's house love to feel the condensation on my water bottle because they don't have cold water to drink. It's a treat to get to drink out of my water bottle because it's clean and cold. I see the kids on the streets and on their front porches when I am walking home for lunch from Mama Tara's and I feel guilty every time because I know they don't have enough food, that hunger is a constant feeling they have.

And last but not least I believe in God and he is in my heart so even if I didn't see, feel or hear him I would still have faith and he would be inside me and that would be enough. I hug, kiss, hold and love on children every day and that is God's love coming through me.

I've been going to Mama Tara's a while now and have seen how things are and that floor gets dirty so I am pretty sure it was more than Ava just minding her floor being muddy. So the question I think should be how do you NOT see God here?

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Coming to serve and being served...

Summertime is officially over here, which means no more groups, teenage summer volunteers or good food...just 3 women left all with a different calling from the Lord but adding up to make a great team. I will miss the lobster, chicken fried rice and shrimp but I like the calmness that a routine has to offer-the word calm sounds strange coming out of my mouth. I think something I am learning here is that there is a time to be super energized, a time to be on alert and a time to be calm.

Last night when I had to sleep in the Sala which is the middle room between the boys and girls hallways I couldn't be calm no matter how hard I tried!!! The roof is tin and it rained, there were rats, cats, roaches and mosquito's of both kinds (the children and insect) everywhere. So I didn't sleep a wink but I got a nice long nap this morning. It's really hard to have a home for children with teens of both sex and they all have been abused or seen abuse.

On to a happier note-Charlito and Mia!!! Charlie of course was one of the noise makers in the middle of last night but then settled as soon as he was laying in bed with me. Watching him sleep might be the one thing that makes everything better about sleeping over there a couple nights. Anyway Charlito is doing well but still has diaper issues, we hopefully got all the worms this time. He is so close to walking and saying more words than Mama, I can hardly wait!!! Mia still has extended belly from her worms but the pills should be working on that in the next day or two. She gets happier with everyday that passes but still wakes crying, all I can do is hold her until she stops nothing else will soothe her. Hopefully the diaper and waking up crying troubles will start to fade and we will have completely happy babies!!!

Mama Tara is still in the hospital on the other side of the jungle she is stable but still not a 100 percent so please continue to pray for her and God's plan for her Children in the home. Speaking of those children, they are doing well but as to be expected there are a few children who are pushing the line and if you know me well you know those are my favorite kind of child!!! So I am teaching them UNO and they love it!!! It's great because we are all working on our Spanish colors and numbers over there-they are a Mosquito ran home. I have been going over there everyday this last week and I have to travel thru mud to get there. When I get there I try my best to clean my shoes off but I always end of making tracks. Yesterday Aba (a house helper) was mopping and I totally messed up her floor so I took the mop from her to clean up my mess and she went to the well and got a pale of water and came and washed my feet and my flip flops for me. I have always seen God and experienced God mainly in children but this woman who is in her late 30's showed me God and made my heart shine and I know it sounds silly for someone who hasn't come here but for a Mosquito to clean a white person's feet who is not paying them is a big deal it's bigger than a big deal it's God in work. I am always surprised when I got to serve, I am the one is gets served and blessed. I pray that I am blessing them at least half of what they are doing for me.

Friday, July 27, 2012

My life these days...

The last 4 days the internet has been out and I realized just how much I depend on it to not feel totally in the middle of nowhere. How much I depend on it to get word to my loved ones that I am ok, and of course get pictures of my Charlito on Facebook!!

So much has happened the last few days I dont know where to start...lets start with my favorite topic right now-Charlie!!

Charlito had worms so that is what was causing the extended belly and the bad diapers but he chewed a pill and hopefully the pill will fix that soon! He is so happy now as you can see from the pictures, I am trying to get him on a schedule which is kind of a joke here since I can't even keep a schedule and if you know me then you know how hard it is for me to have last minute changes. We went and took Charlie to see his mom and of course she was a mess, we even took one of his sisters back with us-Mia. She has such pain and anger in her eyes but I finally got her to smile and that moment was straight from heaven!!! Mia is 4 and looks about 2 and her 4 top teeth have rotted off. She will be loved, fed and changed just like my Charlito was. Charlie is eating solid food with his 2 bottom teeth only. He still loves his bottle and doesnt care for the sippy cup. Charlito loves his sock monkey, his hot wheel cars and mostly being read to at bedtime. Speaking bedtime he loves going to bed but staying asleep is a different story...pray for me please.

The worksite-well no more trench digging!!! Now shoveling rock,cement and sand-mix it with water you get your foundation. I havent been going to work there every morning much between Charlito waking up in the night for a bottle and a change and the rainy season starting it's a little hard to get much done.

Mama Tara's is going well with the tutoring, the kids are a bit more guarded then the House of Hope kids but I like a challenge. Also please pray for Mama Tara she is having some health issues-pray we can get a doctor out there or get her to the hospital...she is a real mosquito woman so going to the doctor is unheard of.

Ok now Me-I am doing well, I feel blessed everyday by a hug, a smile or a hand hold. My stomach is still adjusting to the food but it's nothing I cant handle, I have a little bump on my leg that doesnt seem to want to heal but you know what?? I am looking tan, we have pasta twice a week and I always have a child to love on so I am a happy missionary!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Charlie slept thru the night!!

Around 7:30 I give Charlie a bottle and lay him down next to me and I should be trying to sleep as well but I cant so I look at him, rub his tummy and trace his eyebrows. Charlie has really bad diarrhea right now and even worse diaper rash. I stay on top of it when I have him but when I give him to the nanny's while I am digging, with the older kids or at Mama Tara's I know he is not being change regularly. I know I am not here to judge, I know I am in a 3 rd world country but it makes me so upset!!! Anyway so normally I'd be up 5 times during the night to change him and also give him a bottle 2 of those times because he is still small. But...not last night!!! He slept thru the night and only had diarrhea once. Yay!!

Today Charlie was strong enough to pull himself up which is supper exciting because it means he should walk any day now which will make life so much easier. Charlie was so under weight he didn't have any teeth but as soon as the nutrients started going in him out popped 2 teeth on the bottom so he ate carrots, rice and bread fruit for the first time. I started him on Soy milk and it seems to be helping and of course I give him plenty of liquids so he isn't dehydrating. Today he laughed for the first time and I almost cried because he's just been so serious. He got new dinosaur toys from the group that just left and he loves them!!

Anyway I start going back to the school site tomorrow morning now that Charlie is going to let me get some sleep. I am super excited about it too because I love working with my hands and talking with my new friend William he is learning English and I am learning Spanish so we are a perfect pair to hangout lol William is a hard worker and he likes to show me how to do stuff because I am a woman and couldn't possible know but it's sweet so I smile and say thank you.

Today at Mama Tara's someone did my eyebrows-I swear Mosquito woman are stronger then the men!! This woman was not playing around it brought tears to my eyes and I love to get my eyebrows waxed.

It's Thursday and most of you know I play darts on Thursday and I have missed it badly...the gringo's play scrabble on Thursdays but tonight we are not so I am really sad no darts no scrabble. At least I have Charlie who is getting hungry so I have to go.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It's totally crazy how early the sun comes up here!! 5am bam it's in your face!!! The power goes off for the night around midnight and comes back on around 8am so its so hot when the sun comes up, I have to get up and open the door because the windows alone are not bringing enough air in my little hot box room. Between the heat, roosters and children playing outside and calling out to anyone who will pay them attention-I am not going back to sleep.

I go down stairs and there's breakfast which has been not bad but it's not Denny's either...
I go get on my sunscreen, bug spray and hat, fill up my water bottle and play on email and FB until my ride comes. I have been helping with building a school, well actually I've been digging trenches 18 inches deep, 14 inches wide and 36 feet long for the foundation. We just found out we need to go down and out 4 more inches!!! We have dug in the sun, the rain and in sunny rain shower- that is my favorite. My back, legs and arms hurt but I love it!!! I love the sweating, the burn and mostly the saticfaction of getting something down in just a few hours. Its so hot here thats all you can do is a few hours in the morning of work.

We come back to the house for lunch-always rice, beans and some kind of meat. I have a new appreciation for water and by the time I come back in Dec. I just might hate it!!! I shower and its cold water alone here but it feels good!! After lunch here you take a rest but if you know me you know I have a hard time resting but not here!!! Between going to bed late and waking up early and digging, I sometimes look forward to my hour and 30 min nap before I go to Mama Tara's house. It's amazing to me the difference between the kids that live in Mama Tara's house and the one that live in House of Hope. Mama Tara raises her children the true Mosquito way and of course H of H is American ran so it uses stoves, it's more developed and it's cleaner but children are the same anywhere you go-hungry...hungry for your love, your attention and your smile. And so thats what I do here- I love, hug, high five and look them in the eyes and smile for as long as I can before the sun starts to go. Then I go- I have to remember I am still an American and this is still a 3rd world country...well "rest time" is over and I have children waiting to be loved on!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

        My adventure started at 4:30 am getting ready to go the bus station, got to the bus station and it wasnt bad at all I had a waiting room with air and a tv. Got on the bus and off we went speeding down the road. It was a awesome bus ride-air, comfortable seat and a tv...then I had to go to the restroom and it got not so awesome. The bathroom was pretty much a hole in the bottom of the bus and the door gets stuck sometimes but at least there was a door. Three hours fly by and I am in Ceiba waiting for my ride to take me to the small airport here. He gets there in 30 mins and he says I have to take you to my house and I hope to be back in time to take you but if not someone will. Well I was not ready to miss my flight so he left and I caught a taxi. The airport is small but not too bad, I had a Honduran brown paper bag lunch so I was pretty hungry. A few hours went by and it was time to fly in my 19 passenger plane!! It felt just like a roller was fun, scary and makes you pray everytime you feel your stomach jump.
        Well this airport is a dirt road with a shack where you pick up your bags and of course one of my bags didnt come on with me. I hop in the rino with Laura and her kids and they take me to House of Hope to drop my stuff. I like the compound and its full of kids playing so it's a perfect place for me!!! But my room is a different's small and not room for my stuff and I share with a girl from the states and a little boy she has taken in as her own and he has CP. I soon find out my roommate has lice after she invites me to sit on her bed for a minute!!! She says everyone gets it and has it until they leave, I said not me and stood up-real fast!!
         We left for Mama Tara's house and the rino ride was another roller coast and I am so glad I started doing roller coasters again at Seaworld so I was prepared but no seatbelt this time...
Mama Tara's house is a very Mosqito ran childrens home so it has no power or clean water and it was nothing I have ever seen. It's one of those moments you thank God for everything he has blessed you with and everything he has protected you from beacuse you are from the states. The one thing I love about these homes is the busy part, I wont be bored!! The thing that worries me is everyone even the volunteers have lice and in the states its like the plague and here its like something you just live with.
         I've now have had more beans and tortillas in the last week than I've had my whole life!! So have pasta and Honduras sause for lunch I was supper excited!!! I start helping build a school house tomorrow and start a schedule of spending time at Mama Tara's so please pray my first real day of Honduran hard work goes well.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Honduras Bound!!!

      As I sit here eating baleada's (tortillas filled with re-fried beans, eggs and cheese) and papaya- I reflect on how adventurous my day has been...I had to take 27 pounds out of my bag at the airport before I could check my bags. So, I was running late and the line for TSA was super long, but a group of people saw my frustration and let me get in front of them in line.  I just made my flight!! I got to Miami and sat for a while so of course.  I started talking to some groups of people going to Honduras to save the rain forest, they all agreed what I am doing is much more rewarding. lol
      My flight was loud with kids crying, teens talking with excitement and in my head I am so pumped and sad all at the same time.  I listen to music till I feel wheels being pulled down- I love the difference in seeing Florida and San Pedro Sula from the airplane.  Landing, getting through security and baggage claim is always a good time...everyone is lost, excited and digging passports out but not me... I knew passport check was coming!!
       Ive never traveled to Honduras alone before so it was a successful adventure in my book-I cant wait to see what adventures tomorrow brings!!!