A month ago I was laying in bed with a parasite in my stomach, a tired feeling I couldn't shake and no appetite. I went and had a blood test and some other test at the hospital but nothing was found. Then someone said they can only test for a few different parasites and there are many. I couldn't make it to the store to buy water let alone to the Home to see my children. After losing 30 pounds in less then a month and being so dehydrated my head felt like it was going to explode I knew it was time to get some better health care. So I took a plan to the city. I came to San Pedro Sula to a bigger hospital, where they could run more test and the doctors seem to know a little bit more. After many test, a tube going down my throat and a X-ray we found out it was a parasite but I had taken already a few medicine's for them. The doctor wanted me to take one more, of course I get one of the bad side effects and cant feel my feet and my hands were numb for 2 weeks. I am drinking plenty of water now but my headache still was strong and painful. So I got a second opinion, this doctor said all that your stomach has endured you have wiped out all the good bacteria so he gave me another script. This time I felt well for a whole week and a half so I went a woman retreat for missionaries in Honduras and I was having an amazing time until one afternoon the pain was back. So back to bed I go...no dinner and then no breakfast, lunch or dinner again. It just so happens a doctor from the States is at this retreat so I meet her and tell her whats going on and she asks me questions. She calls in a pill and a powder-I take the pill and with in 2 hours I was fine, I was me...loud, dancing and making people happy. I was getting pills for a parasite that had been long gone but had left a infection so I needed something for the infection. My stomach is sensitive and always will be but I am me again and it feels great!! I've been going to many different orphanages in a few different cities around San Pedro. I still cant believe there are so many children with no parents every new home we go to. I don't think I will ever get use to it...it breaks my heart every time we pull up to a new home and new beautiful smile run out to hug me.
I do miss Puerta Lempira everyday-I miss my friends, my children and I miss the feel of I can walk anywhere I need to go. I am looking forward to getting back there in Jan. but don't get me wrong I am defiantly looking forward to coming back to the States. Brushing my teeth with sink water, flushing toilet paper and loving on friends and family that I have missed so much.
I am sorry this has taken so long to get out to y'all, I thank you all for your prayers and I cant wait to see everyone in 2 weeks!!!
I love this update shanti! can't wait to see you. :)