Sunday, June 18, 2017

Serious PTA meeting

I joined the concerned parents of Lake Silver Elementary, the Principle, the superintendent and the

Title 1 representative at the last PTA meeting of the year. I teach preschool in this neighborhood and

babysit for pretty much everyone in College Park so I knew everyone there. Everyone was surprised

to see me but I was surprised to hear what they were saying. I don't know if it was because I am

currently applying to volunteer at the boys and girls club on that side of town that the children they

are talking about live in or because I was a lot like the children they were speaking about. It was hard

for me to sit there and here what they were concerned about because I love their children but it was

equally hard to listen to the words those children, our children what does Title 1 mean for us? Well

your property value does not go down, the middle school in your neighborhood already is a Title 1

school and those children need to go to school too. I found myself sitting there with mixed emotions

as the parents, teacher, principle, superintendent and Title 1 representative were all speaking to get

their point across, voice heard and I was sad, wanting to help and I didn't know how. Until the end of

the meeting when one of the teachers spoke up and spoke about the buddy program they have their.

You volunteer at the school by spending time with a buddy at the school who is high risk and a light

turned on I can do that! A couple hours a week, check up on them and show them you care I thought

it was a perfect idea! So I will be signing up next school year to have a buddy at Lake Silver



  1. Well this is a perfect outcome for someone who truly cares to make a difference. I am glad this turned out to be a positive experience for you.

    1. Thank you and thank you for a great semester, I learned a lot!
