Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How do you NOT see God here?

So after I posted my last blog a friend of mine said that lady just didn't want her floor to have mud on it. It sounds like that place is in need of help- I just see and hear the need for do you see God there?

I see God when I see my children playing nice and safe outside on the playground and not in their homes starving, being abused in every way possible and lonely. I give thanks when I hear their laughter and their screaming and running away while I chase them. Because God has rescued them from crying and screaming and no one coming to get them out or a crib.

I feel God when my friends tell me when they were at the lagoon we like to take the young children to swim, a group of guys in a nice boat shot many shots up in the air and not at them. Here it's a real thought you could be shot at because there are drug dealers and real "bad guys". I feel blessed that when I hear gunshots at night they sound far away and not at our fence.

I hear God when I gather every week with a group of woman for bible study and we go around the group saying our blessings and our prayers. I hear God when we talk about our ministries and we pray for each other to be successful in them.

I taste God when I have cool, clean water to drink-you might think that sounds silly but the kids at Mama Tara's house love to feel the condensation on my water bottle because they don't have cold water to drink. It's a treat to get to drink out of my water bottle because it's clean and cold. I see the kids on the streets and on their front porches when I am walking home for lunch from Mama Tara's and I feel guilty every time because I know they don't have enough food, that hunger is a constant feeling they have.

And last but not least I believe in God and he is in my heart so even if I didn't see, feel or hear him I would still have faith and he would be inside me and that would be enough. I hug, kiss, hold and love on children every day and that is God's love coming through me.

I've been going to Mama Tara's a while now and have seen how things are and that floor gets dirty so I am pretty sure it was more than Ava just minding her floor being muddy. So the question I think should be how do you NOT see God here?

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